Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Check Beneficiary Status, Beneficiary List and Edit Aaddhar Records Online
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Check Beneficiary Status, Beneficiary List and Edit Aaddhar Records Online on your Mobile Phone.
Under the
scheme, Landholder Farmer families with total cultivable holding upto 2
hectares shall be provided a benefit of Rs.6000 per annum per family payable in
three equal installments, every four months.
✤ How to Check Pm Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana Beneficiary Status:
➤ Visite PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi website department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare
➤ Open website Page
➤ you will see options under “Farmers Corner”.
➤ New Farmer registration
➤ Beneficiary Status
➤ Beneficiary List
➤ Edit Aadhar Failure Records
➤ Choose "Beneficiary Status"
➤ Open New Page
➤ See the Types of Beneficiary Status in 3 ways
➤ Enter Aadhar Number or..
➤ Enter Account Number or.
➤ Enter Mobile Number.
➤ Click "Get Data"
➤ Select State Name
➤ Select District Name
➤ Select Sub-District
➤ Select Block
➤ Enter Village Name
➤ Click "Report"
➤ Open website Page
➤ you will see options under “Farmers Corner”.
➤ New Farmer registration
➤ Beneficiary Status
➤ Beneficiary List
➤ Edit Aadhar Failure Records
➤ Choose "Beneficiary Status"
➤ See the Types of Beneficiary Status in 3 ways
➤ Enter Aadhar Number or..
➤ Enter Account Number or.
➤ Enter Mobile Number.
➤ Click "Get Data"
✤ Check Beneficiary List:
➤ Open the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi website Home Page.
Select "Beneficiary List"
➤ Open Beneficiary List window
➤ Select District Name
➤ Select Sub-District
➤ Select Block
➤ Enter Village Name
➤ Click "Report"
✤ Edit Aadhar Failure Records or Update Aadhar Record in Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana:
➤ Open the PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi website Home Page.
➤ Select "Edit Aadhar Failure Records" option.
➤ Open "Edit Aadhar Details' Window.
➤ Enter Aadhar No. and Enter Image Text.
➤ Click "Search".
➤ Aadhar Save Details will open on the portal
➤ Check And Update Correct Beneficiary Name on Aadhar Details.
➤ Check And Update Correct Beneficiary Name on Aadhar Details.
✤ Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana (PM-KMY)
1. Scheme:
Government of India has introduced an old age pension scheme for all land
holding Small and Marginal Farmers (SMFs) in the country, namely, the “Pradhan
Mantri Kisan Maan-Dhan Yojana (PM-KMY)”, as a voluntary and contributory
pension scheme for the entry age group of 18 to 40 years. The Scheme is
effective from the 9 th August, 2019.
2. Objective and Benefits:
There have
been a series of interventions for income and price support by the Government
for farmers. However, there is a felt need to create a social security net for
the farmers as old age may result in loss of livelihood for many of them. Farming
requires hard work in fields which becomes difficult at an advanced age. The
problem is compounded in respect of small and marginal farmers as they have
minimal or no savings to provide for old age. The Pradhan Mantri Kisan
Maan-Dhan Yojana (PM-KMY) provides for an assured monthly pension of Rs. 3000/-
to all land holding Small and Marginal Farmers (SMFs), whether male or female,
on their attaining the age of 60 years. Farmers falling within the purview of
the exclusion criteria (as defined in Para 5 of these guidelines) are, however,
not eligible for the benefit. The key features and other consequential benefits
accruing to the subscribers of the Scheme are detailed further in these
3. Definitions :
➥ “BENEFICIARY” shall mean the subscriber
and in case of his/her death his/her spouse;
➥ “Contribution” means the amount specified
in the contribution chart appended with this Scheme as modified by the
Government from time to time, to be payable monthly or periodically by an
eligible subscriber to the scheme;
➥ “CSC”
means “Common Service Centre e-Governance Services India Limited – Special
Purpose Vehicle” a company promoted by the Ministry of Electronics and
Information Technology (MeitY).
➥ “EFFECTIVE DATE” in relation to the Scheme means the date from which this
scheme takes effect / starts i.e. the 9 th August, 2019;
➥ “Enrolling Agency” or “Enrollment Agency”
means the agency chosen by the Government for enrollment of subscribers.
Presently, CSC-SPV and State Nodal Officers (SNOs) or agency chosen / nominated
by them is the enrolling agency.
➥ “ENTRY DATE” means a. in relation to the
original subscribers the Effective Date; and b. in relation to new subscribers
admitted to the Scheme after the Effective Date, their Date of Joining;
➥ “Eligible subscriber” means a Small and
Marginal Farmer who is eligible to join this Scheme;
➥ “Family”
means, —
(i) wife, in the case of male eligible
(ii) husband, in the case of a female eligible
➥ “Government” or “Central Government” or “Ministry” or “Department” means
“Government of India through the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare,
Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare”;
➥ “LIC” or “Corporation” means “Life
Insurance Corporation of India” , a statutory corporation established by Life
Insurance Corporation Act, 1956;
➥ “Matching contribution” means the equal amount as contributed by the eligible
subscriber, payable by the Central Government to the Fund;
➥ “NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE” or the “Vesting
date” shall mean in respect of each subscriber the date on which he / she
completes the age of 60 years;
➥ “Pension” means Assured Monthly Amount
payable as Pension under this Scheme to the eligible subscriber or his/her
spouse ;
➥ “Pension
fund” or “Fund” means the fund created by the Central Government and managed by
LIC of India in which the contributions made by the subscribers and the
matching contributions made by the Government would be deposited. The
Government Pool Account together with the Subscriber’s Individual Account
(hereinafter called the “SIA”) shall constitute the Pension Fund under the
➥ “Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme”
or “PM-Kisan” means the Central Sector Scheme administered by the DACV&FW
for providing direct income support to the farmers.
➥ “Small
and Marginal Farmer” or “SMF” means a farmer who owns cultivable land upto 2
hectare as per land records of the concerned State/UT”.
➥ “Sponsor
Bank” means bank nominated by the Corporation, presently the IDBI Bank, for
providing banking services under the scheme.
➥ “State Nodal Officers” or “SNOs” means the
officers of the State/UT Governments who are responsible for preparing the list
of farmers, including, SMFs under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi
(PM-Kisan) Scheme.
➥ “SUBSCRIBER” means a Small and Marginal
Farmer who has joined this Scheme, and his / her spouse in case of his / her
4. Eligibility:
All Small and Marginal Farmers (SMFs) in all
States and Union Territories of the country, who are of the age of 18 years and
above and upto the age of 40 years, and who do not fall within the purview of
the exclusion criteria as mentioned in the guidelines, are eligible to avail
the benefits of this Scheme by joining it.
5. Exclusions:
✦ The
following categories of farmers have been brought under the exclusion criteria:
➥ SMFs covered under any other statuary
social security schemes such as National Pension Scheme (NPS), Employees’ State
Insurance Corporation scheme, Employees’ Fund Organization Scheme etc.
➥ Farmers
who have opted for Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan Dhan Yojana (PMSYM)
administered by the Ministry of Labour & Employment
➥ Farmers who have opted for Pradhan Mantri Laghu Vyapari Maan-dhan Yojana
(PM-LVM) administered by the Ministry of Labour & Employment
➥ Further, the following categories of
beneficiaries of higher economic status shall not be eligible for benefits
under the scheme:
(a) All Institutional Land holders; and
(b) Former and present holders of
constitutional posts
(c) Former and present Ministers/ State Ministers
and former/present Members of Lok Sabha/ Rajya Sabha/ State Legislative
Assemblies/ State Legislative Councils,former and present Mayors of Municipal
Corporations, former and present Chairpersons of District Panchayats.
(d) All serving or retired officers and
employees of Central/ State Government Ministries/ Offices/Departments and
their field units, Central or State PSEs and Attached offices/ Autonomous
Institutions under Government as well as regular employees of the Local Bodies
(Excluding Multi Tasking Staff / Class IV/Group D employees)
(e) All Persons who paid Income Tax in last
assessment year.
Professionals like Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, and
Architects registered with Professional bodies and carrying out profession by
undertaking practice.
➥ For
the purpose of exclusion State/UT Government can certify the eligibility of the
beneficiary based on self declaration by the beneficiaries. In case beneficiary
is not available /does not reside in the village, State/UT Governments may
consider certification based on the declaration by other adult member of
his/her family. In case of incorrect self declaration, beneficiary shall not be
eligible for financial benefit under the Scheme.